April 30, 2012

The Story Protests!

I am; when I am told,
  from another’s point of view.
And then I'm penned
only to rest on a 'to-read' list. 
My shape and size are not my own.
 Delivered and designed I am
by one who thinks I am his to own.
I am set, evolved, and dissolved  
- in a city, barn, cafĂ©, even on a star,
in bygone eras and countries afar.
Embroiled and embedded
in conflicts that I'd rather disown.
 Spun by a stanger's imagination
and colored by alien wit and biases,
I'm housed amid characters
playing me out to a climax
one that I dread, even abhor,
because that sounds my death knell.
Now it’s the resolution that follows!
And from experience I know
it’s time for me to go.
It’s a curtain call I’m made to take,
so I don’t take the bow.