June 12, 2007

Lake Peigneur - a man-made disaster yet again?

An old story, but another proof of man's tampering with nature.

An eleven foot freshwater lake, Lake Peigneur, transforms into the deepest salt water lake in Louisiana and changes the surrounding landscape as well; the environment paid the price for a multinational to drill for black gold.

Here is an unforgettable video of Lake Peigneur disappearing.

However, we still haven't learned our lesson, and there are plans to drill yet again!


Anonymous said...

mistakes upon mistakes! I guess, as i see it it here in india, environmental issues are gaining strength atleast in terms of the media coverage - in the last two months that is.

A said...

Thanks alot for the link. When're we going to learn from our past mistakes and stop repeating it?

Anonymous said...

And yet so many people think that these are simple scare tactics used by politicians and view them as a hoax, while headlines about paris hilton graces the newspapers.
Thanks for posting Id, at least knowledge should give power

Id it is said...

That's the hope that awareness of issues helps to make informed decisions, but it's the Paris Hilton awareness that seems to capture the attention of the masses and the real issues get obliterated in the glitz.

On a different note, I'm unable to access your blog for some reason...?

Sh'shank said...

Its funny how ae like to be practical jokers while all along playing the joke on ourselves...

AVIANA said...

awful....i don't know what it is going to take..i think nothing...and the thing is the damage made to the earth all occured within the past 100 years...the earth has existed for millions and millions of years without any problems but only less than 90 years of human harm has caused it to be destroyed beyond repair....only less than 90 years...

Jotabello said...

It's sad to see how some people make huge mistakes.
They should pay for them, not the environment.
bye bye

Dr. Deb said...

Terrible thing to watch.

Nandi23 said...

Hi Id, I can actually link back to my profile by clicking on my name, although i do not know what could be the problem with my blog, maybe it was banned:D

D said...

The video is a real eye-opener. I wonder, how deep this will go...

starry said...

It is really sad to see what is happening.I hope that things will change as there is more public awareness and the importance of saving our environment.

Lotus Reads said...

This is tragic, thank you for bringing awareness to the issue. I saw the clip you linked to...how many lakes must be destroyed before we get the message?

bablu said...

Well thats very sad !

Anonymous said...

What environmental disaster are you talking about? The natural disaster fears of the time have not materialized. It's a different lake now, but it's still a nice lake. Fishing is good and now we can catch saltwater fish!