September 17, 2008

'Traitor' the Movie and 'Blind Faith' the Novel - Don't Make the Mark.

The two things I were better off not doing this past week were watching the movie 'Traitor' and reading Ghose's novel 'Blind Faith'!

The former, a movie starring Don Cheadle, had movie goers agog prior to its release. Alas, it had the brilliant Don Cheadle beat about the hackneyed theme of home grown terrorism! How long will it take Hollywood to realize that the audience has moved on...

'Sagarika Ghose's 'Blind Faith' can't be termed a disappointment since I had no grand expectations of it other than it be a decent story told in an engaging way, or then, an engaging story related in a decent way. Well, it proved to be neither of the two! The one redeeming feature of the novel was the character of Indi which lent an 'oomph' to the novel, but not enough to float it. Ms. Ghose has remarkable credentials, and that makes me believe this is not the last we'll see of her. However, "Blind Faith" will not work!


EXSENO said...

To bad they both bombed out.
This week-end I am going to rent 'Death at a Funeral', I called the local video store to see if they had it and told the woman there that someone told me that it was very funny apparently she has watched it and she said it was very funny too.
I love a good comedy and I think the British are very good at comedy so I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

yea, in most parts of the world now, the selling idea is "terrorism and its menace". I think that saturation point hasnt been reached yet and until then we will see more such movies hitting screens. In Bollywood alone, in the past 3 months, atleast 4 movies have released - all around the same theme - threats of teroorism.

EYE said...

How sad! Both are known for their good work

starry said...

too bad I like Don Cheadle.