March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill Passes - Obama Delivers, And Will Deliver More!


starry said...

I am really happy that this bill passed.I was hoping it would.

Americanising Desi said...

glad for all Americans

EXSENO said...

I'm not sure? I just have this feeling. If it's government controled do they have the right to tell us we must take this medicine even if we don't feel safe in taking it. Maybe we think the side effects could be to severe.
Or will they silently say let's let this person die, he's to old why bother. I have reservations.

Georg said...

Bonjour Id,

Even here in France we heard the news of this important change. It should be said the United States were more or less the only western developed country with a health care system that left so many people out in the cold.

Public health care is a never ending battle. Because one has to pay for it and it is costly because there are some important powerful entities who feed on it
like leeches.


Id it is said...

Yes, the US now has affordable health care for almost all its people. From your comment I gather that you are not particularly happy with the public health care in France..but
in any system, new or old, there will be "some important powerful entities who feed on it like leeches"? That said, why should some people have to pay a price for the greed and depravity of such leeches. Health care is a basic that every human being deserves given the fact that he is alive and feels pain and suffering like the rest of us.

Georg said...

Bonjour Id,

It could be there is a misunderstanding. I have nothing against the French health care system. It is more or less the same all over Western Europe, the only exception might be Great Britain.

No, what I deplore is the difficulty to reign in the leeches. Those who feed on the multitude.

Id it is said...

Your President's words yesterday about the French Health care system were very reassuring :)
"If you come to France and something happens to you, you won't be asked for your credit card before you're rushed to the hospital."

Georg said...

That's true, Id. If you are rushed into an emergency ward, nobody will ask you anything.

But in all other cases you'll be asked before to show your social security card (carte vitale) and your membership card for the additional insurance (Mutuelle).

In case you have an important illness, operation, cancer etc., the medical intervention costs you nothing. But you would have to pay for a single room etc.

Last not least, have a look at YouTube, there is a gorgeous song "We are 37" by Paul Hipp. Very funny, good music, I am sure you would enjoy. It is about the US health system.
